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Art Utopia
SUmmer camp 2025

For 8 weeks each summer, Amanda transforms her garage into an art studio for kids, ages 7-13 in the Highland Park neighborhood of Salt Lake City. This year, campers will meet Monday-Friday from 9:30AM-12:30PM to get crafty, problem solve, make new friends, and have some fun! Enrollment is capped at 12 students each week to ensure that all students are able to get to know one another and complete all of that week's camp activities. Enrollment for Craft Camp starts in February each year.

To get on the mailing list and receive all of the camp information please email Amanda at with 'Art Camp' in the subject line. 



WEEK 1: 6/2-6/6/2025 – ART UTOPIA TAKEOVER!
AGES 7-13 | $160 per student
Yo, future founders! This week, we’re building Art Utopia from the ground up! You’ll squad up to write your own Constitution, design flags, and create the ultimate log cabin studio. Plus, you’ll make your own classroom money and weave a market bag. And if we’ve got time? Get ready to rock a Founding Fathers wig like it’s 1776—but make it fire.


WEEK 2: 6/9-6/13/2025 – BLING, BLING!!
AGES 7-13 | $160 per student

Time to shine! We’re diving into ALL the jewelry vibes. From sewing mixed media moth rings to crafting clay + nature pendants, plus turning milk jugs into earrings (yes, really!), and sealing it all up with resin. To top it off? A rainbow-wrapped earring project that’ll definitely up that rizz game.


WEEK 3: 6/16-6/20/2025 – TWEEN DREAMS
MUST BE AGES 9-13 TO PARTICIPATE! | $160 per student

This week is all about next-level crafting! Embroider your name onto a sweatshirt or tee, make inspo ready embroidery hoop collages, upcycle t-shirts into area rugs, and sculpt mini rock cactus pots. **Parents: We need old cotton t-shirts of all sizes/colors for our rugs! Let me know if you have extras, and I’ll pick them up before camp.


WEEK 4: 6/23-6/27/2025 – FUNDAMENTALS OF CHAOS
AGES 7-13 | $160 per student

Turning messy into masterpieces! We’re making wild chaos collages (mountains? flowers? you decide!), transforming scraps into candy journals, crafting mixed-media chaos butterflies, and wrapping it up with a decoupage framing project. Who knew chaos could be this cool?


WEEK 5: 6/30-7/3/2025 – LET’S PARTY!
AGES 7-13 | $130 per student

Short week, BIG energy! Get ready to DIY the ultimate party with personal piñatas, confetti placemats, and party-favor stuffed stars. If we have extra time, we’ll even paint tote bags. **NOTE: No class on 7/4—go enjoy those fireworks! 


AGES 7-13 | $160 per student

Level up your fashion game! This week we’re tie-dyeing tees, creating batik headbands, and customizing sneakers & pillowcases. End the week STRUTTING your designs in a student-led fashion show. Parents: You will need to provide your kiddo with white canvas or leather sneakers for this week! Let us know if you need links for options.


WEEK 7: 7/14-7/18/2025 – BOBBING & WEAVING
AGES 7-13 | $160 per student

Sew, stitch, and weave your way through the week! We’ll start with abstract seed bead scribble hoops, craft felt flower pins, make mini self-portrait pillows, and weave some cute mug rugs to finish it off.


WEEK 8: 7/21-7/25/2025 – FUN IN THE SUN!
AGES 7-13 | $160 per student

We’re going out with a BANG! This week is jam-packed: DIY fabric hanging planters, macrame plant holders, sun sculptures, and butterfly terrariums. Parents: Got any large jars with lids (i.e., spaghetti sauce, pickles, etc.)? Please send them our way before camp! Heads up: We’ll have class the morning of 7/24—if your kiddo can’t make it, let us know and I'll work with them to ensure they get their projects completed!


If you have any questions, please email Amanda at with 'Art Camp Question' in the subject line. 

If your child hasn't attended before and you would like to see all the fun we've had in previous sessions take a peek at my Instagram page. 

  • Instagram



Child's Date of Birth
Child's T-shirt Size
Child's Sweatshirt Size
Please check all of the weeks Child-1 would like to attend camp.


*Please use this section to complete the registration for a second child. If you are only completing registration for one child you can skip ahead to the Guardian Information.

Child 2-Date of Birth
Child-2 T-shirt Size
Child-2 Sweatshirt Size
Please check all of the weeks Child-2 would like to attend camp.


Please use this section to complete the information for a third child. If you are only completing registration for one or two children you may skip to the Guardian Information.

Child 3-Date of Birth
Child-3 T-shirt Size
Child-3 Sweatshirt Size
Please check all of the weeks Child-3 would like to attend camp.

Guardian Information

Emergency Contact/Authorized Pick-up

Please list the first and last name along with a contact number for at least one Emergency Contact person that is not a parent and/or guardian that has permission to make decisions for the care of your child(ren) and or authorization to pick your child up in case you are not available.

Medical/Health Information

Does your child have any food, medication or environmental allergies?
Please check all allergies that apply.
Does your child’s allergy/allergies require staff to monitor child for symptoms, take action if a reaction occurs, or give emergency medication to your child?
Does your child have a special health or medical condition?

Policies and Expectations

Behavior Expectations

Please read the Behavior Expectations with your child prior to submitting.

Behavior & Conduct Expectations at Craft Camp

  1. I agree to show up each day ready to learn, make new friends, and bring a positive attitude.

  2. I agree to treat others as I would like to be treated. Think about what you wish to contribute to the class and how you are going to deliver that message. If you would not want to hear it yourself then don't share it with others.

  3. I agree to be kind and respectful to my fellow campers, instructor, and to myself. The way we treat ourselves is equally as important as the way we treat others when we are learning new skills.

  4. I agree to keep my body parts to myself.

  5. I agree to keep my chair legs on the ground and walk through the classroom with supplies.

  6. I agree not to abuse or misuse supplies.

  7. I agree to help clean up the classroom everyday. If I make a mess I am prepared to clean up after myself.

  8. I agree to be a helper. If I see a fellow camper struggling I agree to lend a helping hand.

  9. I agree to come prepared each day to share, be open to new possibilities, whether it be meeting new friends or learning new creative techniques, and to remain flexible. Not every project will be completed in a day. Some take time to dry or will need extra concentration.

  10. I agree to stay engaged and not disturb others when I complete a project early. Once a project is completed you will have access to the Maker Wall where you will have time to create your own projects. Please come to class prepared to engage your imagination.

You are required to check one of the options below prior to moving forward with your registration.

Release of Liability

In consideration of the acceptance of my child's application for the above program, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims for damages for personal injury, property damages or which may hereafter occur to the child(ren) as a result of participation in said event. This release is intended to discharge in advance A Robot Mommy, LLC., Perez-Morris Design, Amanda Perez and/or Tyler Morris, their heirs, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from liability, even though that liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of persons mentioned above. It is understood that some recreation and/or creative activities involve an element of risk or danger of accidents, and knowing those risks, I hereby assume those risks. It is further understood and agreed that this waiver, release, and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assignees.

You are required to check one of the options below prior to moving forward with your registration.

Emergency Treatment

In case of an emergency, where the parent, guardian, or emergency contact cannot be reached. I give, Amanda Perez permission to secure emergency transportation for my child in the event of an illness or injury which requires emergency treatment. I understand that the emergency transportation service may determing the facility to which my child will be transported.

You are required to check one of the options below prior to moving forward with your registration.

Photo Release

A Robot Mommy, LLC., Perez-Morris Design, and Amanda Perez have my permission to use my child(ren)'s photograph publicly to promote current and future camps and publications. I understand that the images may be used in print publications (i.e., books, brochures, etc.), electronic communication (i.e., text messages or emails, etc.), online or physical publication, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.

You are required to check one of the options below prior to moving forward with your registration.

Tuition and Fees

Camp Tuition is per child, per day of camp which includes all material fees. Tuition must be paid in full no later than 4/15/2025 to hold your child's spot in the camp and to allow time for Amanda to purchase supplies before the start of each session. Sessions will be capped at 12 students. If tuition is not received by this date your child's spot may be forfeited to a child on the waitlist. No refunds will be given past the registration deadline. If your child must miss due to a family emergency all efforts will be made to move them into another week of camp if space is available. This cannot be guaranteed as camp registration is done on a first come, first serve basis.

This field is required to move forward.

Sick & Refund Policy

Because Amanda runs this camp out of her home, she asks that if you or your child doesn't feel well that you keep them home to rest and recoup. Please do not send your child into camp if they or anyone else in your home has a fever, cough, sore throat, or runny nose within the 48 hours prior to class. If you or your child has been exposed to Covid or the flu and tests positive, please notify Amanda immediately and do not send your child into camp. If your child must miss a day or longer, accommodations will be made to get your child the materials and directions for the projects that they miss.

This field is required to move forward.
This year we have a new camp mascot, our family dog Dolly. She is a very well-trained, 4-year-old Bernadoodle. Please let me know if your child is okay with having Dolly come to visit the garage on occasion.

Payment-Tuition Due by 4/15/2025

Tuition is $160 per week, for each child and includes all materials necessary for that week's projects.

To pay for your child's camp tuition please Venmo @Amanda-Perez-Morris with your child's name, & the date(s) they will attend. The Venmo QR code is available to the right. To reserve their space all payments and registration forms must be completed and received no later than 4/15/2025. If tuition and registration are not completed by this date, your child's space may be given to the next child on the waitlist. If you have any questions or issues with this form please feel free to text Amanda at 619-701-8329.

Please remember to hit submit. Once registration and tuition have been received you will receive an acceptance email from Thank you for your support. I can't wait for an awesome summer of crafting with your kids!

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